Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hyuna (현아) is Melting-- Away Your Ice Cream

Hyuna (현아) Melting
There are very few, I'm emphasizing the word few, people in this overpopulated world that can pull of being cute and sexy at the same time. It's basically the untold law, that you are either cute, sexy, or an awkward balance between the two. And HyunA is one of those few people. HyunA is one of the fortune people that can either get your panties damp or make you want to take her home and baby her (or still sexually excite you, if you go for the cutesy type). Forced or not, there is point in denying that she pulls off both very well.
흐트러지지 (Don’t Fall Apart)
흐트러지지 , Don't Fall Apart, is the intro track of Melting of course.  This track will dispel any questions of HyunA’s rap ability. Don't Fall Apart is HyunA telling us, the listeners, her fans, and haters, of how she feels about releasing a new mini album.  If you have any expectations of HyunA pouring her heart out on how she feels guilty that she is getting another solo album, she isn’t.  Sorry HyunA haters, go grab a tissue. HyunA shows that she can't be broken with your meaningless words netizens! 
 Don’t Fall Apart shows the constant self-motivation that HyunA has to put herself through. The song is backed by powerful military chants, and it symbolizes the constant pressure put on HyunA (by herself and others) to by military perfect, all the time. Seriously, the military chants are the cherry on top to the song; the meaning of the song gets smacked in your face, without having to know what the Korean lyrics mean.
◊◊◊◊◊/◊◊◊◊◊ (5/5)
Ice Cream
                The teaser released for the mini album, does not give Ice Cream the credit that it needs. The teaser will make anyone go ‘meh’. I was ultimately surprised by this song. Not only does it have a catchy beat, but HyunA’s rapping is nice (not like Change, nor Superstar, but it comes in a close third).  Ice Cream is cross between the hardcore ‘gangsta’ style of Change, and the cutesy style of Bubble Pop. As odd as it sounds, the balance is perfect.
                But HyunA really shouldn’t touch English with a ten-foot pole. The lyrics sounds more like, I met you down like ice cream, instead of the intentional I'll melt you down like ice cream. The repeated cream, cream, cream, made me slightly uncomfortable. It made me think of another kind of cream, that doesn't drip from an ice cream cone. (You know, what kind of cream I'm talking about.) The awkwardness continued when male featured rapper, Maboos, rapped for a couple of seconds it seemed like. HyunA’s high pitched vocals lead into his verse, which can be interpreted one way or another (or may I have a dirty mind). 
◊◊◊◊/◊◊◊◊◊ (4/5)

풋사과 (Unripe Apple )
This song is as crisp as a Honey Crisp apple bite. It features 정일훈 of BTOB. HyunA’s vocals are extremely sharp and clean. This track is outstanding, simply put. It is mega addictive. This song would be a hit in America if it was released in English, and that is saying a lot.
◊◊◊◊◊/◊◊◊◊◊ (5/5)
( 남자친구에게)To My Boyfriend
If I ever get a boyfriend again, I would tell him to listen to this song. I’ll take my chances, I don’t know if this is a break-up song or not (I’m not fluent in Korean), because the song is that beautiful. To my naked ears, this song is of a girl confessing her love to her boyfriend. My hands are down; this is my favorite track of this mini album.
There isn’t much more I could say about this track. I could say that her vocals are impressive, the guitars between the verses were nice touches, or that this ballad is a huge improvement from Trouble Maker, or that every word she sang was filled with emotion. But I would just be speaking—or typing, words at that point.
◊◊◊◊◊/◊◊◊◊◊ (5/5)
Very Hot
Very Hot, beginnings with a device vibrating, you can get that wanted image out of your head, because it is only her cellphone. Who is calling her? Her ~Oppa of course! If the HyunA’s high pitched voice didn’t get off any clues, then her saying ~Oppa will.
All we nerds can cheer for this track! The beat is techno-ish and it sounds like it is from an old Atari or Nintendo game, which will give you nostalgia. The repeating robot like vocals amps that feeling, but it is so tastefully done that it will not annoy you. It is actually a good thing, it is a sound that I never heard from HyunA, and she has the style and vocals that can pull it off.
Of course, HyunA will include her chipmunk rapping (and moaning) anytime she can. But it’s easily to ignore because it is limited to a verse (or less). This song is the perfect happy ending for this album. Is HyunA’s aegyo voice her natural voice? The world will never know.
◊◊◊◊/◊◊◊◊◊ (4/5)

Final Thoughts
HyunA give it all for this album, and it shows. You can’t fit this album into a specific genre; this album isn’t limited to one sound. And every song is very different from one another.
                It’s HyunA’s time to go solo. HyunA is clinging to 4minute, and we all know she will eventually need to break apart from it. If HyunA goes solo, it will give the other members their spotlight and HyunA will not have to be guilty of overshadowing her members, and her talent will not be underrated. Melting showcases her vocals more than any 4minute album to date. Actually Melting and 4minute shouldn’t be included in the same sentence, because HyunA really set herself away from 4minute’s sound. This mini album is better than any recent 4minute releases (all of 4minute mini albums expect for HUH). HyunA’s charisma simply is melting through this album!

92/100-- 92%

Tell me what you think! Leave a comment below ;]


  1. I liked your review- i must say i disagreed a bit at the end. i think that hyuna's solo work is different in almost every way from 4minute's work but she's a part of 4minute, yes i think some other members should get some more solo opportunities, but i don't think you can ever really separate hyuna from 4minute.

    just like how we always think of hyori's finkl days.

  2. I see your point. HyunA will always connected to 4minute. But one of the reasons why she is hated is because she steals the attention from the other members. 4minute is defintely one of my favorite Kpop groups, and I love each member. But Hyuna has tons more charisma than her other members. Unfortunately, the other members does not have enough appeal and fan bases to ensure a successful solo debut. Cube is running a business and he rides out Hyuna because she is the most popular and well known member.
    Great comment! Thanks for your input.

  3. I think cube could build up excitement about other members by giving them some hot OSTs. I mean, I definitely think that Jiyoon with a well produced digi-single released in May or June could definitely be a big hit and/or break off Gayoon and Sohyun and have them do a nice OST for one of those lovey-dovey springtime dramas... honestly, I don't know so much about Jihyun though. But I think Hyuna sells well but she always has since she left WG

    I definitely see the validity of your point, but there's definitely more money to be made if the others get out more, I mean acting, variety, and singing. I think you're underestimating the appeal each of the girls has in Korea.

    Remember in 2010 when they announced that both Jiyoon and Hyuna would get solos then Jiyoon's kept getting delayed and delayed and then nope. I think, personally that, Cube's CEO needs to look for promotional inspiration some where other than JYPE's model, for all the Cube artists.

    1. Also I don't think Hyuna is hated in Korea, I think that's an iFan phenomenon. At least that's what I gathered.

    2. Hyuna is loved in Korea I think, its just the international Kpop fans hate her. Gayoon was getting more popularity due to her magazine spreads. I was thinking performance wise that Hyuna has more appeal. Jihyun could do a drama or something i guess. She really foes need to be put in the spotlight
